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Re: Tabaluga's

@StuF   good morning StuF!  hope you slept well.  have a great, wonderful day hun. love peax

Re: Tabaluga's

Well done on walk @TAB !

Re: Tabaluga's

Thanks @greenpea 


You too!

Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

thanks @StuF  got to get organised. did double that last time, but was weeks ago still around double what was doing when last did it regularly

Re: Tabaluga's

@TAB @StuF @greenpea @Glisten @Bill16 good morning cool friends, take care

Re: Tabaluga's

@Meowmy   hey meowmy hope you have a cool and calm Tuesday love pea xx

Re: Tabaluga's

Oh my gosh @TAB Well done you 👏🏼

Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

thanx @Glisten  think need a horse lol, heart wouldnt slow down after , reckon if keep it hp might do more than getting zapped by Drs so they can get new Porsches



Re: Tabaluga's

@avant-garde I didn’t think of the ID thing. You are correct. A job as an archivist would be wonderful for you.

Re: Tabaluga's

@TAB or brush someone else’s horse?

It’s going to take a while for your heart and body to adjust to any form of exercise.

Less stress, regular physical activity.

Tabby medication has a big impact on your body. My sweat 😰 has a funky smell because of meds.

Plenty of water mate 🥛 

    My Mental Health

    We acknowledge the Traditional Owners of country throughout Australia, their diversity, histories and knowledge and their continuing connections to land, waterways and culture. We pay our respect to all Australian Indigenous Peoples and their cultures, and to Elders of past, present and future generations.

    Brisbane North PHN wishes to acknowledge the experience and expertise of the My Mental Health Steering Committee, delegates of the Peer Participation in Mental Health Services (PPIMS) network and health professionals in developing the My Mental Health Website.