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Re: Abandonement and all that followed.



Well I got 6 hours sleep last night, that's about average for me.  I admit I cheated a little bit.  I had a few whiskey's, not too many.  Just enough to relax me.  I know I shouldn't but I just couldn't face another night like Sunday night.  Still feel weary though.


Appointment with the GP today but I might not make it.  I'm on call for firefighting and according to the Fire Service website there is several small fires burning in my area.  Is that the wrong priority?  I don't know.  What I do know is that I hate letting people down when it can impact so many.  I look at that now and think "Yeah can't let people down at work or on the sporting fields but continually let loved ones down."  Feel very alone at the moment so this helps a little.


Anyway that's where I'm at.  Hope everyone else, @Shaz51 @Former-Member @Zoe7 have a good day and an enjoyable New Year.





Re: Abandonement and all that followed.

Hey @Former-Member 


I didn't see your message before I sent that one a moment ago.


I get all that you said and do practice a lot of that.



Re: Abandonement and all that followed.

Hi @Dino14 and thanks for the update.

I'm pleased to hear you got a reasonable amount of sleep. I think 4-6 hours a night (usually interrupted) is about average for me too. We can survive on that, though not exactly thrive.

Ummm, yeah .. the whiskey ... one or two sounds okay, provided it doesnt increase and then become a must. I'm glad it helped to relax you last night and enabled a better night than you may have had otherwise. Its not a long term solution though .. which you already know.

Yes the fire situation is dreadful everywhere right now. Victoria and Southern NSW are really copping the brunt of things now it seems.

Your priority I think lies in the fact that you are on-call in case of fire. Given that people and property are at risk, you are right to make that your priority. Your life is not at immediate risk, so your GP appointment can be rescheduled if need be. Fires unfortunately cannot. But my hope is that it doesnt come to that, that you wont need to make that choice. Fingers crossed you are not called out. What time is your GP appointment for? I have another medical appointment in town today for my husband as well.

If you are called in to fight fires ... please take extra care today. Fighting fires presents a major risk at the best of times. Even more so if you are tired and not in the best frame of mind emotionally.

My thoughts are with you.


Re: Abandonement and all that followed.

I'm with @Former-Member here @Dino14 You can make another GP appointment but if you are needed to help with fighting these horrible fires then that cannot wait. It is a wonderful thing you do for the community - I have so much admiration for everyone involved in fighting to save others' lives and properties - whether it being as a volunteer or as a job. If you are called upon then stay safe mate.

Re: Abandonement and all that followed.

@Zoe7 @Former-Member @Shaz51 


A quick update.   No call out for fires yet and back home after seeing the GP and getting referral.


Psychologists is closed until 8 January and then I guess there'll be a wait before I get in to see them but the ball is rolling.


Thanks everyone.


Talk soon.

Re: Abandonement and all that followed.

Very good @Dino14  😀👍


Back later.



Re: Abandonement and all that followed.

very good @Dino14 , one step at a time Heart

Hello @Former-Member , @Zoe7 , @BryanaCamp 

Re: Abandonement and all that followed.

Great that you made it to your GP and have the referral @Dino14 It is only a small step but a big one at the same time. It is unfortunate that we have a system where it takes so long to get in to see someone but at least the ball is rolling for you and that is positive. Keep us updated Smiley Very Happy

Re: Abandonement and all that followed.

Good evening @Dino14  ... how's things going there?  I hope you werent called out on in fires during the rest of the day.  I know Tassie got some rain last night in some areas, so perhaps its eased the fire situation in your area as well.  Hope thats the case.


Did your GP appointment go as you expected it would?  I hope you were able to express all that you wanted to.  Clearly you said enough for him to warrant providing a referral to a psychologist.  Did your GP also do up a Mental Health Care Plan for you?  I hope so, because it means you get up to 10 subsidised visits each year.  And I know you said that funds were a little tight.  Due to your excessive generosity, although you didnt say that in so many words.


I hope once the psychologists practice opens next week, that you are able to get in to see someone fairly quickly.  It may seem like slow progress to you ... but in fact you have achieved quite a lot.  Yes .. the ball is now rolling.  One small step in the right direction.  There will be more to follow.  May be a few minor hiccups along the way, because that seems to be the way of it. But two steps forward and one step back, is still progress.  So dont despair if things take a little longer than you'd like.  There honestly is no quick fix.  Slow and steady is the way to go.  There are many years of unravelling to happen here.  You have already mentioned many things in your history, and I'm sure there are many more that you havent mentioned.  All these things make an imprint on our minds and our psyche, they affect us.  It really helps to get a psych that you can connect with and whom you feel comfortable talking to.  And that may take some time too.  If you're like me, you may be lucky and get a great 'fit' first up. 


Enough of that.  Its only half and hour away from being a new decade.  Are you doing anything for new years eve?  I'm not ... been home watching a bit of cricket and doing some more of my diamond painting.  Also there is a new years eve party happening on the forums too.  A thread which was opened to see in the new year with other members here. I was thinking about tagging you into it, but decided you may not like that, so I didnt.  Please keep in mind though, that if you ever do decide to get around a bit more and meet other members here, you only have to ask.  Or browse some of the other threads yourself.  


Anyway .. whatever you are doing this evening ... I hope you are doing okay. 

So .. happy new year to you ... here's hoping its a good one for you.

Okay, catch you next year.  




Image result for happy new year 2020

Re: Abandonement and all that followed.

Happy New Year all @Former-Member @Zoe7 @Shaz51 


Hope you all had an enjoyable time.


I went out and had a little too much to drink with a couple of good friends at the local pub.  Some other friends have a band and played music through to new year.  A fairly sedate affair but mostly locals with a few tourists sprinkled amongst a small crowd.  I know the GP told me yesterday that I shouldn't drink but I figure that if it's just a social drink and not a coping mechanism then it is OK.  Scold me now if you wish!


Anyway 3 of us went back to my mates place around 1am and he was pretty soon in bed as he's working today.  That left 2 of us and although I don't that lady very well we ended up having a very candid chat for a couple of hours.  She is a Life Coach and therefore has "listening abilities" and it was a therapuetic chat I feel.  So no harm done by the drinkies.


So anyway back to the GP, yes I have Mental Health Care Plan and it went well and I found it easy to explain things to him even though I was having an "up" day.  So if I can stay positive like I am right now then the wait to see the Psychologist wont be too bad.


Anyway today I'm feeling very good and it's my last day on call this time around and I am in a part of the state that got no rain from the passing storm so we'll see what happens today.  I hope you all are feeling well for the New Year and it's a good year for all.





    My Mental Health

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    Brisbane North PHN wishes to acknowledge the experience and expertise of the My Mental Health Steering Committee, delegates of the Peer Participation in Mental Health Services (PPIMS) network and health professionals in developing the My Mental Health Website.