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Re: Living with Loneliness

Hi @Josie72 🙂

I really enjoyed reading through your responses. What came out for me was your determination throughout all your experiences and loss described - if no one has told you today, I want to let you know I am proud of the progress you have made and that you are open to new ideas, strategies and here for the journey, evolving from the darkness and learning more and more about yourself, such as your needs, wants and desires.

We're here on this journey with you!

PizzaMondo 🙂

Re: Living with Loneliness

Thank you


Determination is one of my strengths. 

Re: Living with Loneliness

Dear @Salvia 

@cloudcore @Josie72 @PizzaMondo @Doldip15  @Former-Member @tyme @Shaz51 @TAB @saturnzoon @Meowmy 

@Jacques @Adge @Lila3 @Bill16 @outlander 



I'm here with you. Yes, my step dad and my ex-husband tried to take my 2 sons away - I think I get elements of your story and the pain. How no one understands you.


Please take heart. 


At this very horrible time please take care of you. Reach to the computer to write to us 

Can you work out who is your support team ? 


Is it your Gp? Can you ask your Gp if you can access a caring group like Silver Chain so you can get some debriefing ? 

Please take care of you. Remember those cups of tea where you can just have a little sit down and look out the window ....  

Being gentle ......

Being kind. .   .....

Not applicable

Re: Living with Loneliness

hey there @Salvia  @Josie72  @PizzaMondo  @PeppyPatti 

Thanks for the tag PeppyPatti 🙂


Ive been reading back through the posts here and there is so much resilience through adversity, I am completely inspired by how the devastation has brought forward resources within that may not lead to perfect solutions, but the strive to reclaim rightfully what is missing is such a heartwarming thing amongst the poignant hardships people face. 

Its an honour to be amongst people with such resilience ❤️

I live with loneliness because I have immune disease... no pets, no friends, no social events, no venturing into the community, lest I get sick.  

Prior to having changes in immunity, I would be out there doing what I could to contribute to society and happy to be working. However, this issue has changed my life in many ways, one of the main ones being perpetual isolation (I even go buy fuel in the middle of the night to access the night counter so I dont have to enter the shop and risk exposure - even while wearing gloves and a mask, and having a virus resistant spray on my clothing and shoes), sine late 2018.

I draw inspiration from the resilience in the stories shared here; people telling their story in the midst of hard times shows how resilient they are to be here, and type ❤️

It's inspiring to be linking arms with you guys. 

It really makes my day.

I would like to gently remind you of that on the days where things seem a bit too much for you...💜🌺

...this last week has been a bit much at this end, and yet, I am lucky enough to have had tags, tags, and more tags from the stand up folks on SANE forums.... 🙂

@Birdofparadise8  @Shaz51  @Snowie  @Pem  @Healandlove  @tonys  @Acanthiza  @8ppleTree  @Asgard  @Xibon  @TideisTurning  @Spirit_Healer  @tyme  @saturnzoon  @Adge  @ArraDreaming  @Appleblossom  @Oaktree  @Josie72  And all you guys I havent tagged because your tag has momentarily slipped my memory for the moment, but whom I would also like to give genuine smiles and thanks to 🙂 

Re: Living with Loneliness

Persitwnce & stubbornness serves women well! Cherish these traits & allow them to bloom

Re: Living with Loneliness

That hit me hard...driving at night to get fuel. I was just lying on my bed crying. The linking arms metaphor lifted my heart
THANK you.

Re: Living with Loneliness

Hey @Lila3 ,


Please know you aren't alone, even if you feel lonely, know that we are here for you.


Most people have felt lonely at one point or another in their life and can certainly relate. 


Were you able to practice something pleasant for yourself today?

Re: Living with Loneliness


Sweetheart, thankyou for responding. .. I'm so sorry what your dealing with. You have always caused an impression with me because of your empathy and understanding of others. 


@Jacques is like this .  .....?? 



may I ask a question ...... I just heard this saying in an audible I'm listening to the audible spoke that loneliness happens because you don't have people around you to understand you. 


What do you think ? Seems a bit simplistic to me....  


@Birdofparadise8  @Shaz51  @Snowie  @Pem  @Healandlove  @tonys  @Acanthiza  @8ppleTree  @Asgard  @Xibon  @TideisTurning  @Spirit_Healer  @tyme  @saturnzoon  @Adge  @ArraDreaming  @Appleblossom  @Oaktree  @Josie72  @Shaz51 





Not applicable

Re: Living with Loneliness

Hey there @PeppyPatti 🙂🌺

thank you kindly for your comment, give me a nice feeling of being seen from behind the screen 🙂🌺💜

With regards to loneliness being attributed to a lack of understanding from people around..I guess in a way it does make sense, however from my perspective, I see this statement as nuanced, and needing further unpacking to decipher what parts of life aren’t understood (is it a mismatch of boundaries, for instance), and how does it take into account the concept that people who are alone (having nobody around them) can still not feel a sense of loneliness, being content to be without close or significant connections?

From my own experience and from what I have learned, loneliness is one of those things that is very personal, individual, and self-defined per person; and lesser so a term that has a broader explanation that covers a multitude of people… I hope that makes sense? 🙂💜🌺

a very good question, and worthy of more discussion.. 🙂🌺

@amber22  @TideisTurning  @tyme 

Re: Living with Loneliness

@PeppyPatti thank you so much for the tag. Really good read


    My Mental Health

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    Brisbane North PHN wishes to acknowledge the experience and expertise of the My Mental Health Steering Committee, delegates of the Peer Participation in Mental Health Services (PPIMS) network and health professionals in developing the My Mental Health Website.